Total Supply: 88 888 888 888 888 900 JACKˇS /17numbers/0decimals
Max Supply : 88 888 888 888 888 900 JACKˇS /17numbers /0Decimals
Burned : 44 444 444 444 444 444 JACKˇS /17numbers/0Decimals
Burn: 50 %
Authomatic Reward/Dividens: 8 % forever
ownership adress: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
ENG:the community can choose to reduce fees.
SK:komunita si môže vybrať znížiť poplatky.
contract adress : 0xabaeea50b8250b7b90ef9dccb9c24edf7c2863dc
Polygon Scan link
SK:maximálny limit na jeden nákup/predaj
ENG:single limit for one purchase/sale
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
SK:Celkový počet Jack Russelov na Solane MAX.
/kontrakt nevie raziť ďalšie mince/deflačný meganizmus
ENG:Total number of Jack Russels on Solan MAX.
the contract cannot strike additional coins/deflacion mechanism
88 888 888 888,- 000 000 00 JACK´s
desaťtinných miest :8
kontrakt adresa na Solane:
Contract adress na SOLANE:
Solana JACK´s are considered alive.
Výmenný kurz medzi Polygon a Solana Jack´s
exchange rate between Polygon and JACK on SOLANA
1 Jack´s on SOL = 400 000,-JACK´s on POLYGON.
Total Supply: 88 888 888 888 888 900, JACKˇS /17numbers
Max Supply : 88 888 888 888 888 900, JACKˇS 17numbers
Burned : 44 444 444 444 444 444, JACKˇS 17numbers
Disclaimer of Ownership
ALL liquidity tokens were burned, sent to a dead address as well as half of the Jacks
No further minting is possible. The coin is fully Deflationary.
8 % Rewars in Jack/TAX FEE
0 Decimals
Name: Jack Russell Network
Symbol: JACK
100 % Eco & Luxy Crypto AutoMatic Mining
Material 50 % Velvet and 50 % Silk
JACKs try to motivate, not give up and teach crypto security which is never enough.